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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Are you part of the 'All over the map' denomination?

What denomination did I belong to as a protestant? I was one of those protestants who would say "I am just a christian" or "I am non-denominational". I would usually say that both Calvin and Wesley are right regarding the doctrine of predestination, but they are just talking past each other. So if you were to ask me where I stood on this doctrine, I would say, "somewhere in the middle".

Of course as time went on I began to realize that by saying "I am non-denominational" that I was actually putting myself into a denomination. Get enough of us doing the same thing and we will start to be recognized as a category.

As a catholic I have been trying to actually categorize what I was. In the least amount of words, how would I describe myself? Well seriously I would describe myself as having been, "all over the map". I borrowed from various famous non-catholics such as Calvin, Luther and Wesley and what ever else "seemed" to make sense to me.

Which leads me to distinguish between two types of protestants: - Those who are attempting to follow systematic theology and those who are not. Those who are not, could be said to be 'all over the map'.

So I would say that my denomination was 'all over the map'.

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